To create the candle you will need:
bleached beeswax (≈50-70 g)

Кипр: Open


Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Albania: Open

Europe: Open

America: Open

microcrystalline wax soft

As in the lesson: Open

Aliexpress: Open


wax melter or water bath containers
silicone mat
knife or scalpel
stack with metal balls on the ends
fat-soluble wax colorants

As in the lesson:
Dyes from aliexpress (tested):

They are also on the official website:
White dye on Amazon:

I haven't found good white dye on temu or aliexpress, but I know bekro has good dye, you can usually find it at local candle maker stores.

Weiner for the leaf and, if desired, for the petals
pastry cutter
silicone mat for the machine

The room should be warm, without a draft, work on a warm surface, so the wax will cool more slowly. If the countertop is cold, you can put a towel, wooden board or heated mat under it.
Pour the wax into a wax melter or water bath container and melt it to a liquid state
Spread the mat, clean it from dust, if necessary, lubricate it with vegetable oil (optional).
Prepare all the tools in front of you

Preparation of wax:
To the melted wax, add colorant. The amount depends on the desired color. If you want to achieve a bright shade, use a well-pigmented dye, as adding an excessive amount may make the wax more brittle.
Stir the wax well to melt the dye.

Making process:

(a) Stem:
spread the green colored wax on the mat and let it cool slightly
Cut out a rectangle of 18X7 cm from the slightly cooled wax.
cut the wick and twist it into the wax, pressing the layers of wax tightly so that there is no space between them.
smooth the seam

b) core:
Melt and color the wax to match the color of the petals, adding micro wax if necessary
Pour some wax onto a mat and let it cool down to the desired temperature.
Divide the wax into 1-1.5 cm wide sections and form a drop-shaped center directly on the stem.

c) wax paper:
pour some wax onto a mat and let it cool to the right temperature
cut the wax into pieces and pass each piece through a pastry machine using the cut silicone mat, 3-4 pieces in total are needed

d) petals:
melt the wax and color it white, adding micro-wax if necessary
Using a spoon, pour some wax onto the mat, spreading it and forming a round petal at the same time
glue wax paper of a contrasting color onto each petal at random so that the pattern is along the petal, not across it.
Pour some wax onto the mat and let it cool slightly, but not to a solid state.
apply this wax with your finger to the petals in a smearing motion, the pattern should also be along the petals.

e) forming the bud:
glue 5-6 petals around the center, placing them with the pattern outwards, starting from the 4th-5th petal their edges can be slightly curved
glue the next petals with the pattern inside, simultaneously forming the bend of the edge of the petal, they should be located slightly above or at the same level with the center petals.
form all subsequent petals like the petals of the previous row, but glue them a little lower.
approximate number of petals 25-30

(e) Sepals:
Melt green wax, pour some onto the mat and spread lightly with a spoon
When the wax has cooled to the right temperature, cut out the sepals with pointed tips using a knife or scalpel.
Using a stack, shape the sepals into a rounded shape by moving them along the edge of each sepal
bend the edges of each sepal to the opposite side.
glue all sepals under the bud, smoothing the joints with your fingers or scalpel.

g) leaf:
Pour some green wax onto a mat and spread lightly with a spoon
when the wax has cooled to the right temperature, cut out the leaf with a knife or scalpel, leaving a strip of wax at the bottom for the twig.
give the leaf a veined texture using a silicone viner.
wrap a piece of wire into the twig, leaving a free edge of wax at the bottom.
glue the leaf onto the stem smoothing the joints with your fingers or scalpel.

e) tinting:
using a brush, tint the leaf and sepals with green liquid wax dye, if necessary, you can darken the green with a little brown.

Message candles
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In this lesson, we will make Message candles
What we will need to make:

1) Bleached beeswax
2) Silicone mat
3) Waxed wick
4) Kitchen thermometer
5) Wax melter or water bath containers
6) Dye
7) Stack with balls (bulka)
8) Spoon
9) Knife
10) Office knife (scalpel)
11) Needle or thick needle
12) Mold for the center
13) Ranunculus Cutter and Liner Set
14) Universal viner with a width of 5 cm or more
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